
The 2010 Phase I Academy students pose for their class picture.

As in past years, on November 20-22 Renee traveled to Phoenix (AZ) to volunteer her time with the ‘Women in the Winner’s Circle Driver Academy.’

Established in 1994 through Lyn St. James‘Women in the Winner’s Circle Foundation,’ the Academy is the most comprehensive educational and training program of its kind for talented women race drivers who aspire to the professional levels of motorsports. The 2010 edition of the Academy marks the 15th anniversary of the training program.

While in Phoenix, a group of 14 promising young women focused on the physical and mental preparation that is required of a champion driver. Hosted by Athletes’ Performance – literally a world-class training facility for elite-level athletes – the group worked to develop an effective fitness plan, learned proper guidelines for nutritional training and underwent baseline physical testing.

Lyn & Zoe

Lyn tests Zoe Mattis' (Pottstown, PA Micro Sprint driver) grip strength.

The group was also offered several workshops with Performance Prime’s Dr. Jacques Dallaire. During the seminars, the students were offered tools for gaining knowledge in preparing the mind for competition. Each participant also received Dr. Jacques’ MindShaper™ Software – a groundbreaking tool for improving mental skills such as focus, concentration, and reaction time.

As a graduate of the Academy, I know how invaluable this Program can be in developing a skill set to help young women drivers,” explained Renee. Lyn works tirelessly in her pursuit of finding – then developing – these promising drivers. With the support of Dr. Jacques, a truly amazing man with even more amazing insight; and Athletes’ Performance, an absolutely astounding training facility – she’s able to continue her search. I’m just glad to be a part of it all.

For more information about the Academy, please visit Lyn’s website.